On Fri, Feb 17, 2006 at 05:10:46PM +0100, Gregoire Favre wrote: > I have some questions concerning projectx : > > is "[-cut <file>] ..use that text based file as cutpoint list" > compatible with marks.vdr ? I found marks2bytepos.pl on vdrportal.de for that :) > What's the command in order to produce mpeg2 files suitable for > dvdauthor (the -m switch of vdrsync.pl) : -tom2p ? I haven't tried to run dvdauthor on the produced file... > Is there an equivalent of "-ignore c1" for projectx ? Yes, with the -id switch :) I use the attached script now to sync :-) (TXT2DONE is only here for the master-timer done use). -- Gr?goire FAVRE -------------- next part -------------- #!/bin/bash tr "?????????????????????????????????????????????? ???,?" \ "aaaaaeeeeiiiiiooooouuuunAAAAAEEEEIIIIOOOOOUUUU_Cco_N" |\ tr "" "_" |\ sed -e s/__/_/g -e s/?/ss/g -e s/_-_/-/g -------------- next part -------------- #!/bin/bash if [ -z "$2" ]; then BASENAME=`echo "$1"|sed -e "s/\//_/g" -e "s/_video0_//g" -e "s/.99.99.rec//g" -e "s/.50.99.rec//g" -e 's/\\:/h/g' -e "s/:/h/" -e "s/_$//g" -e "s/STARGATE-SG1_//g" -e "s/%//g" -e "s/ //g" -e "s/.50.50.rec//g"|TR` else BASENAME="`echo $2|TR`" fi CUT=/tmp/cut FILES=`echo "$1"/[0-9]*.vdr|sed -e "s/\/\//\//g"` A=`dirname $BASENAME` if [ "$A" == "." ]; then OUT=/mnt/gentoo/anim BAS=$BASENAME else OUT=/mnt/gentoo/anim/`dirname $BASENAME` BAS=`basename $BASENAME` fi cd /tmp marks2bytepos.pl $1 > $CUT nice -n 4 projectx -cut $CUT -out $OUT -name $BAS -tom2p -id 0xE0,0xC0 $FILES if [ -e "$1"/info.vdr ];then cp "$1"/info.vdr $OUT/"$BAS".txt TXT2DONE $OUT/"$BAS".txt fi mv $OUT/$BAS\[pes\].m2p $OUT/$BAS.mpg rm $OUT/"$BAS"_log.txt $CUT