Hi, here's a new version, that also works with 1.3.38. - support for vdr-1.3.38 - search templates: the settings of a search are often quite the same as already done with other searches. You can now create templates that can be selected when editing a search (with key blue). A template can also be set as default. A new search will then get the default settings automatically. - extended setup with 'search templates' to manage the new templates - new action 'Use as template' to copy a search to the templates - setup option to display the subtitle in the schedules, thanks to Darren Salt for his patch - extension of feature 'Delete recordings after ... days' with 'Keep ... recordings'. This will asure, that last x recordings will not be deleted, even if they are expired. fixes: - the search timer feature 'Delete recordings after ... days' also deleted recordings that were edited. fixed now. Description and download: http://people.freenet.de/cwieninger/html/vdr-epg-search__english_.html wget: http://people.freenet.de/cwieninger/vdr-epgsearch-0.9.9.tgz BR, Christian