Sascha Volkenandt wrote: > Currently, there are large problems wanting to identify where a replay comes > from, especially if the replay doesn't have a filename in that sense. I could > imagine that a DVD replay announces itself as "dvd://1", so we could use > common URI naming schemes instead of defining one ourselves for things other > as normal files. Well, on a very long term. This could even go that far to start playing an URI, and VDR checks which plugin can play it back. Different plugins could use one generic VDR playback sources dialog, instead of each having its own file selector. > Example application: > An extension to the trayopen plugin shall open the tray when the drive's > button is pressed. Unfortunately, for this to happen, a replay from that > drive must be stopped and the disk must be unmounted prior to ejecting. DVD plugin and trayopen plugin could agree on a protocol using the Service() interface. Something like 'DVD plugin, are you replaying?' or 'could all players stop using /dev/dvd please?' Cheers, Udo