En/na Leo M?rquez ha escrit: > Hi!, > > I'm with vdrconvert. I have a divx list created but when I do activate > divx the osd disapear and I continue viewing in the vdrconvert status > 'waiting'. > I have noticed that the reccmds.conf example file that comes with > vdrconvert have: > > Activate Divx? : printf "\n" >> /usr/bin/vdr2divx (without .sh) > > The executable file I have after vdrconvert installation is > /usr/bin/vdr2divx.sh > > Are the same this two files? > I have tried to change the reccmds.conf file to match my vdr2divx.sh > file but don't work. > The vdrconvert log is empty. > > What more can I try? I have tried to execute the command generated (I have seen it in syslog) at command line and I get: vdr:/usr/bin# /usr/bin/bin/vdr2divx.sh '/video/%El_Partit_del_Bar?a/2005-11-22.01:10.99.99.rec' 22-11-2005 16:06:10 : Session $Id: vdr2divx.sh,v 1.28 2005/11/05 12:59:06 dimi Exp $ begin cat: /var/spool/vdrconvert/: Is a directory cat: /var/spool/vdrconvert/: Is a directory 22-11-2005 16:06:10 : Session /usr/bin/bin/vdr2divx.sh end I know that the spool directory is defined in vdrconvert.env file but what means that is a directory? Must be a file? I don't think because the variable name is VCOQUEUEDIR Thanks