Patrick Fischer wrote: > Hello > A coupe of days ago I wrote to this list an question about current > running recordings and time shifting. > I got no answer :-( > > Now I would like to reword my question: > > If I'm right, the cDVBPlayer(Control) handles all playing of recordings > and time shift. > Now I would like to add some functions to the player to get some more > informations about the current running recording. > I can't find a way to implement it by a plugin. I could "re" implement a > cMyDVBPlayer and the cMyDVBPlayerControl. But how to replace the > original cDVBPlayer with cMyDVBPlayer without patching? > > By the way: > > cReplayControl was derivative from cDvbPlayerControl > cDvbPlayerControl has a cDvbPlayer > > cDvbPlayer was derivative from cPlayer > > every time a new recording should be played vdr cControl::Shutdown() > and then cControl::Launch(new cReplayControl); > > I cant see a possibility to replace it without patching. > Maybe somebody (klaus, xine developer, softdevice developer,...) can > help me with some words. If what you want to know is the progress of the current replay session, you could do cControl *Control = cControl::Control(); if (Control) { int Current, Total; if (Control->GetIndex(Current, Total)) { // do something with the values } } This should work with any player that uses the cControl/cPlayer facilities. Of course this doesn't return useful values in transfer mode. Klaus