Hi, today I noticed a quite strange behaviour when I wanted to program Radio Horeb into my channels. I took an arbitrary channel entry and started editing it: Freq. 10832 Pol. H Srate 22000 FEC 5/6 Sid 61960 APid 64 Then I saved and tuned to it. I heard the sound of Radio Horeb... for two seconds. That's what happened: Oct 30 13:59:08 lascala user.debug vdr[1500]: changing transponder data of channel 1563 from S19.2E:10832:h:22000:5 to S19.2E:11739:v:27500:3 Well everything I edited was set back to the original values (the arbitrary entries I tried were NICKELODEON FRANCE and CANAL ALGERIE) except for APid and Sid. And this is reproducible. Any idea on how to debug this? VDR is 1.3.33 but I couldn't find related entries in the 1.3.34 ChageLog. Greetings, Sascha