Matthias Fechner wrote: >Hi, > >i will enable the power saving of my harddisk. >I have a VDR system with 2xFF card and 4 Harddisks. > >Now i'm not sure, if this is a good idea and hwoto do it. > >I have enable this powersaving, has it any disadvantage to the >livetime of the harddisk? > > > If you use desktop harddrives it is not recommended to cycle them too often. >Should i enable the powersaving or better the spin down in the BIOS or >can i do it on my linux system? > > > You can enable it with hdparm. >What is the behaviour of VDR if a recording is starting and the HDD is >not running? Will VDR send a startsignal to the harddisk early enough? > > > Sorry, no idea about that cause my recording hdd is also my system hdd which I never suspend (as you need to do many things to teach linux not to write to hdd every few minutes). I only "suspend" my other hdds in my vdr server (as these are hdds for mp3s, documents and so on which are not needed most time of the day). Greetings, Egalus