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J?rg Schneide wrote:
> What I really don't understand is, why?
> When the debug mode is enabled the driver seems to know the adresses
> very well,
> so why they can't be used by the plugin?

Poor design. The driver knows the 5-bit address and the 6-bit key data
and translates this into a key code event using a static table with 256
entries. (RCMM has 8 bit data)
Everything, down to the /proc/av7110_ir format, uses this 256 entry
table format, and there is no way to specify two tables for two devices.

If you want to take a look, this is in
drivers\media\dvb\ttpci\av7110_ir.c. The code is easy to understand.
Older drivers may have this file in a different location.

> btw.: I needed hours to find out how to enable the IR-debugging,
> it seems to be documented nowhere. A posting in this list stated it has to
> be enabled with debug=16 as a parameter for dvb_ttpci, that seems to be not
> correct or outdated. I found out -more by accident- that the parameter
> debug_ir=16 works.

This seems to have changed several times on different driver versions,
and documentation is minimal anyway.



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