Hi, vdr-1.3.31-LiveBuffer-0.1.0 is available at http://home.vrweb.de/bergwinkl.thomas/ from the README: Description: With this patch vdr always records the current channel. So you are able to rewind and watch a interesting scene again. Or you have seen a movie from the beginning but didn't record it. With the LiveBuffer you can record it completely, if it is in the livebuffer. You can enable/disable the livebuffer in the recording menu: LiveBuffer: Turns on/off the livebuffer LiveBufferSize: The max. size (in MB) of one livebuffer Go automatically into Replaymode: If you press a key like play,pause, ..., you come automatically into the replaymode Keep paused LiveBuffer: If activated, a LiveBuffer, which you have paused or rewinded, will be continued even if you switch channel. Keep last LiveBuffer: The last livebuffer will always be kept, if possible Last LiveBuffers: Number of last livebuffers, which should be kept. Zap Timeout (s): The time until a livebuffer recording counts as "last" for option 'Keep last LiveBuffer' Min. user inactivity (min): After this time the livebuffer shutsdown. '0' means that there will be no shutdown. Frameswait: The number of frames, which have to be received, until the replay of the livebuffer starts How to control the livebuffer: In normal liveview you can pause, rewind, ... with the according key. The play key displays the progress bar of the livebuffer. If you have no such keys like play, pause, FastRew, ..., you can go into the replaymode by pressing menu -> blue. There you can control the livebuffer like a normal replay. With the 'back'-key you jump to the position where you interrupted the live replay. If 'Keep paused LiveBuffer' is activated, the livebuffer will be continued after channel switch, when you had paused the replay before. The 'stop'-key jumps to the end of the buffer and the livebuffer doesn't count as paused anymore. As the livevideo is continously recorded, it is possible to get the just seen scene into a normal recording: - You can simply create a new timer. If the starttime is in the past, then the already seen part of the recording will be added. - Or you rewind to the startpoint and start an instant recording (by pressing the rec-key or menu -> red) - Of course you can cut the livebuffer like a normal recording. Press '0' for setting the marks and '2' starts the cutting proccess. (You have to be in the replaymode for this)