Hi, >Hello all! > >Like some other users I experience channel freezes sporadically since >1.3.29. Some have this since 1.3.28 or even 1.3.24. For me it happened looking WDR, others reported the same (on vdr-portal.de) with Pro7/Sat1/NDR. I experienced this behaviour on a small Epia ME6000 with a TT rev. 1.6 and kernel 2.6.13-rc6, but the problem doesn't seem to be related to drivers nor firmware (that's the consensus on vdr-portal.de). > >The picture hangs, but after some time it starts playing again. You can >change to other channels no problem (and of course they work). > >I don't know about messages in the log because I ran vdr with -l0 at the >time (sorry ;-)). Reception was normal, no rain but some clouds >(but we had this kind of weather before and it didn't happen). > > I expierenced exactly the same problems on one of my VDR boxes, since I updated to 1.3.28. Both machines are almost identical (in hard- and software), but the problem occurs only on one of them. One difference between them: the hanging system uses AC3 sound via J2. Another strange coincidence: I've only seen this hang on a channel providing AC3 sound (ZDF, RTL, Pro7 so far). The problem repeats every few minutes, the following log entry seems to be written exactly in the second of the freeze: Aug 18 21:51:16 vdrclient1 vdr[5761]: buffer stats: 0 (0%) used <http://dict.leo.org/se?lp=ende&p=/Mn4k.&search=coincidence>My system: kernel on Pentium3, original kernel DVB drivers, Hauppauge FF 1.6, VDR 1.3.28 Regards, Holger