Hi, I received a bug report for osdteletext which describes a way to crash the FF cards' OSD, and I am able to reproduce this. (Open teletext on a channel with colorful teletext such as RTL, press repeatedly, fast and in random order Yellow Key for half page and Green Key for zoom.) Then the OSD seems to hang a short time, then disappears, after a while some garbage appears. I tested with the in-kernel drivers from 2.6.11 and 2.6.12. Neither VDR nor the kernel driver seem to crash, but the OSD will not work again. In dmesg I read multiple times: dvb-ttpci: warning: timeout waiting in BlitBitmap: 0, 1 Reloading dvb-ttpci fixes the problem. Obviously this is some sort of driver/firmware bug. What I am concerned with is: Does osdteletext do anything wrong? Has this to be fixed somewhere in user level code, or is it just another firmware bug? Marcel