On Sat, Jul 30, 2005 at 09:41:34AM +0000, Stefan Huelswitt wrote: > On 08 Jul 2005 "Martin Binder \(AON\)" <martin_binder@xxxxxx> wrote: > > [261f release] > >> > >> yeah but that one makes the mp3 plugin stutter (well now there is some > >> 'tick' 'tick' in every soundtrack) > >> > > > > And here the same with muggle, when mp3 audio files are replayed > > Finaly I managed to install 261f. > I cannot reproduce your problem with mp3 replay. The audio is > fine. > But I have still problems on DVD replay. There audio dropouts > every seconds. This seems to be the same with all 261e and 261f. > > >> 0x261d was the last really nicely working firmware for me... > > > > For me too - with 0x261f I also get "unknown picture errors" when a recording > > is starting: I did not see these errors with 0x261d and latest cvs dvb driver > > 261d is the best release for me too. Hmmm ... Question: Do you use PCM/Stereo with the DVD plugin or does this happen with AC3/DTS? And what does happen if you are replaying a striped down VOB from a DVD? You can do this with the help of e.g. vob2vdr ffrom the tools directory of the bitstreamout plugin, renaming the result to 001.vdr and running genindex on this. Werner -- AC3 loop through sound card http://bitstreamout.sourceforge.net/ Howto http://www.vdr-portal.de/board/thread.php?threadid=1958 ------------------------------------------------------------------ "Having a smoking section in a restaurant is like having a peeing section in a swimming pool." -- Edward Burr