Hi list, I've been hunting down a bandwidth problem in my little streaming plugin, and finally realized that the performance bottleneck actually is cRemux and its internal resultBuffer. The resultBuffer is initialized with resultBuffer->SetTimeouts(0, 100), in other words, if no data is available, cRemux::Get will wait up to 100ms for data to arrive. Thats fine as long as cRemux is filled from another thread, but wastes time if cRemux is only filled from within the same thread. Unfortunately, the resultBuffer is completely hidden inside the cRemux, so I cannot change this behavior. Does anyone have good ideas how to avoid this without spawning another thread? (the thread would actually just copy data from one buffer to another...) This resultBuffer is really some kind of black hole, no way to control it, no way to know how much is in it... Cheers, Udo