Hi, I'm a great fan of the VPS function. It was one of the main reason to use VDR. Unfortunatelly the VPS timers do not work for me, as expected. In general they stop too early. They should stop recording when Running Status=1 (not running). Ist that right? I've got an Hauppauge FF and a Budget-Karte running im my PC. Here is an Example: Timer: 5:12:MDMDF--:1815:1840:99:99:Der Regenbogenfisch: VPS Timer using VPS time range 18:15-18:40 Jul 28 18:11:22 fs1 vdr[3542]: timer 6 (12 1815-1840 'Der Regenbogenfisch') set to event Don 28.07.2005 18:15-18:40 (VPS: 28.07 18:15) 'Der Regenbogenfisch' Jul 28 18:11:22 fs1 vdr[3542]: timer 6 (12 1815-1840 'Der Regenbogenfisch') entered VPS margin The Event switches to running status=4 (running), Start is working wonderful! Jul 28 18:19:23 fs1 vdr[3559]: channel 12 (KiKa) event 18:15 'Der Regenbogenfisch' status 4 Jul 28 18:19:24 fs1 vdr[3542]: switching device 2 to channel 12 Jul 28 18:19:24 fs1 vdr[3542]: timer 6 (12 1815-1840 'Der Regenbogenfisch') start Jul 28 18:19:24 fs1 vdr[3542]: Title: 'Der Regenbogenfisch' Subtitle: 'Videospiels?chtig / Zwei alte Komiker' Jul 28 18:19:24 fs1 vdr[3542]: record /video/Der_Regenbogenfisch/Videospiels?chtig_#2F_Zwei_alte_Komiker/2005-07- Jul 28 18:19:24 fs1 vdr[3542]: recording to '/video/Der_Regenbogenfisch/Videospiels?chtig_#2F_Zwei_alte_Komiker/2005-07-' Jul 28 18:19:24 fs1 vdr[3579]: file writer thread started (pid=3579, tid=360458) Jul 28 18:19:24 fs1 vdr[3580]: recording thread started (pid=3580, tid=376843) Jul 28 18:19:24 fs1 vdr[3581]: receiver on device 2 thread started (pid=3581, tid=393228) Jul 28 18:19:24 fs1 vdr[3582]: TS buffer on device 2 thread started (pid=3582, tid=409613) At 18:40 the timer stopps, however, the event is running! Jul 28 18:40:01 fs1 vdr[3580]: recording thread ended (pid=3580, tid=376843) Jul 28 18:40:01 fs1 vdr[3582]: TS buffer on device 2 thread ended (pid=3582, tid=409613) Jul 28 18:40:01 fs1 vdr[3581]: buffer stats: 51888 (2%) used Jul 28 18:40:01 fs1 vdr[3581]: receiver on device 2 thread ended (pid=3581, tid=393228) Jul 28 18:40:01 fs1 vdr[3579]: file writer thread ended (pid=3579, tid=360458) Jul 28 18:40:01 fs1 vdr[3542]: buffer stats: 96256 (1%) used Jul 28 18:40:01 fs1 vdr[3542]: timer 6 (12 1815-1840 'Der Regenbogenfisch') stop The Event switches running status=1 (not running), at this time the record should have been stopped. Jul 28 18:41:47 fs1 vdr[3559]: channel 12 (KiKa) event 18:15 'Der Regenbogenfisch' status 1 Jul 28 18:41:49 fs1 vdr[3542]: timer 6 (12 1815-1840 'Der Regenbogenfisch') set to no event If I extend the stop time, then the event is recorded until to this stop time. But I want that the running status is used to stop the event. The channel (KIKA) delivers a good Running Status. Regards O. Holler -- 5 GB Mailbox, 50 FreeSMS http://www.gmx.net/de/go/promail +++ GMX - die erste Adresse f?r Mail, Message, More +++ -- 5 GB Mailbox, 50 FreeSMS http://www.gmx.net/de/go/promail +++ GMX - die erste Adresse f?r Mail, Message, More +++