Setup: -vdr-1.3.27-enAIO-2.4.diff -vdr-1.3.27-subtitles-0.3.7-and-ttxtsubs-0.0.5.diff -vdr-1.3.27-finnish.diff and plugins (and patches when needed): -vdr-femon-0.9.0 -vdr-mp3-0.9.12 -vdr-osdteletext-0.5 + vdr-osdteletext-0.5-finnish.diff patch -vdr-subtitles-0.3.7 -vdr-text2skin-1.1 (cvs) -vdr-ttxtsubs-0.0.5 + vdr-ttxtsubs-0.0.5-premium-edition.diff patch -vdr-tvonscreen-0.7.0 + vdr-tvonscreen-0.7.0-1.3.diff patch -vdr-timeline-0.9.0 + vdr-1.3.25-timeline-0.9.0.diff patch -vdr-sysinfo-0.0.4a DVB drivers are from kernel DVB-C card is Technotrend's FF card (v1.5 iirc). NTPL is disabled (export LD_ASSUME_KERNEL=2.4.1). Bug: VDR+mplayer: After movie has been played till end i.e. autostopped VDR crashed without any error log what happened (not from mplayer or VDR). runvdr script did not restart VDR but had to be manually started. DVB driver was working ok i.e. no re-loading of driver was needed. Pasi