Hello! I've been trying to create a keymacro to access to restart option of vdr menu with a single button defined to my remote control (User1). I read man vdr (5) and I configured my keymacros.conf file but it didn't work when I use vdr. Then, I tried to do a keymacro to a plugin that seems easier but it didn't work. Here I put the lines I tried: To menu entry: User1 Menu Down Down Down Down Down Down Down Ok Down Down Down Down Down Down Down Down Down Ok Ok User1 @Restart Menu Down Down Down Down Down Down Down Ok Down Down Down Down Down Down Down Down Down Ok Ok To femon plugin: User1 [@femon] Menu Down Down Down Down Down Ok User1 @femon User1 @femon Menu Down Down Down Down Down Ok None of these works. Can someone tell me if these lines are correct? If they are, can someone say why they don't work? Any idea would be wellcomed. Thanks, Rose M. ______________________________________________ Renovamos el Correo Yahoo! Nuevos servicios, m?s seguridad http://correo.yahoo.es