Two problems: 1. Using wrong timer 2. Handing wrong time VDR 1.3.25 (2.6.11) should start at 7:00, but the clock was set to 5:55 The next start was again set to 5:55 That timer was inactive! 0:S19.2E-1-1101-28112:MTWTFSS:0600:0615:50:7:: That timer string was used. 1:S19.2E-1-1079-28006:MTWTF--:0700:0715:40:1:ARD-Morgenmagazin: Is the time "UTC" based? No recording was done. The next start was again issued for the same time, which is now in the past, impossible to do. nvram-wakeup would have rejected that time so this error would have not caused a missed recording. Currently i'm using an other script to test "acpi" and no validation is done, just logged. It looks like VDR is using the wrong time, maybe wrong time zone or inconsequent time zone? msi:~/work# tzconfig Your current time zone is set to CET Do you want to change that? [n]: y ... Your default time zone is set to 'Europe/Berlin'. Local time is now: Wed Jun 1 08:49:28 CEST 2005. Universal Time is now: Wed Jun 1 06:49:28 UTC 2005. msi:~/work# date Wed Jun 1 08:52:07 CEST 2005 Was there a change in VDR? Jun 1 02:08:59 msi /video0/pwroff: VDR shutdown delay now 1:1117602000 2:17463 3:2 4:ARD-Morgenmagazin 5:0 A:1117602000 1746 3 2 ARD-Morgenmagazin 0 Jun 1 05:58:53 msi vdr[5721]: channel 1 (Das Erste) event 05:30 'Morgenmagazin' status 4 Jun 1 05:58:57 msi vdr[5717]: timer 36 (2 0700-0715 'ARD-Morgenmagazin') set to event Wed 01.06.2005 05:30-09:00 (VPS: 01.06 Jun 1 02:08:57 msi vdr[12144]: executing '/video0/pwroff 1117602000 17463 2 "ARD-Morgenmagazin" 0' Jun 1 02:08:57 msi pwroff: VDR shutdown 1:1117602000 2:17463 3:2 4:ARD-Morgenmagazin 5:0 A:1117602000 17463 2 ARD-Morgenmaga zin 0 Jun 1 02:08:59 msi /video0/pwroff: VDR shutdown delay now 1:1117602000 2:17463 3:2 4:ARD-Morgenmagazin 5:0 A:1117602000 1746 3 2 ARD-Morgenmagazin 0 Jun 1 05:58:53 msi vdr[5721]: channel 1 (Das Erste) event 05:30 'Morgenmagazin' status 4 Jun 1 05:58:57 msi vdr[5717]: timer 36 (2 0700-0715 'ARD-Morgenmagazin') set to event Wed 01.06.2005 05:30-09:00 (VPS: 01.06 05:30) 'ARD-Morgenmagazin' msi:~# date -d "1970-01-01 1117602000 sec" Wed Jun 1 06:00:00 CEST 2005 Patches: (IIRC) LNBsharing femon-09 stuttering vdr stuttering plug ins: femon osd teletext (undelete does not compile)