On Tue, 31 May 2005, Ed wrote: > If you have a nice new mobile phone there is a good chance it supports 3pg > video files. For example the Nokia 6320. > Follow these steps to transfer a vdr recording to your phone. > Lets face it - it will impress your mates when you watch tv on your mobile > (Sorry to all the linux fans. This uses a windows pc for the transfer and > processing so you need to copy your files off to that pc using samba shares > or winscp) No need to worry, there is a linux solution! First demux vdr recording with ProjectX (and you can cut it there also). Then remux resulting files with 'mplex -f 8 -V -o tmp.mpg demux.m2v demux.mpa'. Resulting file is standard MPEG-2 stream which should play in just about any player. Finally just convert the file to 3gp with ffmpeg. I don't remember the exact command line parameters I used but something like: 'ffmpeg -i tmp.mpg -hq -ab 32 -acodec aac -b 200 -s qcif video.3gp'. 3gp compressed video takes about 100mb/h (with qcif resolution). sqif is enough for phones with smaller displays. Anssi Kolehmainen