C.Y.M wrote: > C.Y.M wrote: > >> >>Attached is a patch for the Enigma.skin that fixes the Info display for recordings. >> > > > The previous patch introduced a bug that prevented output from being displayed > in the "Commands" Menu. Here is a proper patch. > I found another bug in the previous patches, which prevented the skin from displaying the proper requested font. Attached is a fixed version. Regards. -------------- next part -------------- --- Enigma/Enigma.skin.pre25 2005-05-30 02:03:50.000000000 -0700 +++ Enigma/Enigma.skin 2005-05-31 02:48:00.000000000 -0700 @@ -669,6 +669,15 @@ <scrolltext condition="equal({MenuTitle:clean},trans('Summary'))" x1="10" x2="-106" y1="35" y2="-36" font="Vera.ttf:22,85" color="MenuTxtFG">{MenuText}</scrolltext> <scrolltext condition="not(equal({MenuTitle:clean},trans('Summary')))" x1="10" x2="-106" y1="35" y2="-36" font="VeraMono.ttf:22,85" color="MenuTxtFG">{MenuText}</scrolltext> </block> + + <block condition="{RecordingDescription}"> + <!-- background --> + <rectangle x1="0" x2="-95" y1="30" y2="93" color="MenuAltBG"/> + <rectangle x1="0" x2="-1" y1="94" y2="-31" color="MenuAltBG"/> + + <scrolltext condition="equal({MenuTitle:clean},trans('Recording'))" x1="10" x2="-106" y1="35" y2="-36" font="Vera.ttf:22,85" color="MenuTxtFG">{RecordingTitle}: {RecordingDescription}</scrolltext> + <scrolltext condition="not(equal({MenuTitle:clean},trans('Recording')))" x1="10" x2="-106" y1="35" y2="-36" font="VeraMono.ttf:22,85" color="MenuTxtFG">{RecordingTitle}: {RecordingDescription}</scrolltext> + </block> <!-- Show recordings (in all menus except 'Extended EPG-info' and 'MenuText') --> <block condition="and(not({PresentTitle}),not({MenuText}),{CurrentRecording})">