anthony hornby a ?crit : > Hi, > I want to set up my VDR to use softdevice and use the output of my > Matrox G550 card. > > I have got the latest CVS for softdevice, directFB, DFB++, vidix and > ffmpeg. Am running Fedora core 3 with the latest 2.6.11 series kernel. > > Have built all successfully. > Now I want to keep the second head on my G550 running X (a gnome desktop > on the local monitor on the box is handy) but also have accelerated > output on the tv-out. > > I think this means I am restricted to using vidix - is this correct? I don't think so. You can also use DirectFB. There was a recent (<2 months) thread regarding your problem on the softdevice ML or the DirectFB ML. IIRC, everything was solved for the original poster. -- NH