Stefan Taferner wrote: >>I have a CI module and a conax cam with Canal+ smart card. >>Is it possible to use sc with satellites other than Thor S1.0W? >>I have only one (ff) dvb-s card. > Pardon? I meant that I can view encrypted channels on Thor S1.0W with my (perfectly legal) ci/cam/smartcard setup already. Someone might like to experiment with ca without making the existing hardware decryption unusable. Of course, one can always make two different setups, one with magic firmware and sc plugin in place, and another with the ci/cam/conax setup. >>Can anyone provide a link to the custom firmware everybody >>is talking about? > Sorry, I do not use sc myself, and have no links either. You wont > get any here I assume as the use of sc is not very legal in most > countries.... I am talking just theoretically and hypothetically. o:-) -- -- sjm "L?mp?mittari tuottaa henkil?kohtaiseen k?ytt??n yleisluontoisia mittaustuloksia, jotka voivat poiketa tieteellisist? mittaustuloksista." - Nokia 5140 puhelimen manuaali, joka ei kehtaa sanoa suoraan.