Lars von Wedel wrote: > > Hello, > > I'd like to display right justified text in my plugin (using cOsdItem > and cSkinDisplayMenu::SetItem). > > Is there any means to achieve this? > > As an alternative, I would be satisifed with the number of characters > that can be displayed on a row so I could use a normal, left-justified > tab at a position "close" to the right of the OSD boundary. How about looking into VDR/osd.h? ;-) enum eTextAlignment { taCenter = 0x00, taLeft = 0x01, taRight = 0x02, taTop = 0x04, taBottom = 0x08, taDefault = taTop | taLeft }; void DrawText(int x, int y, const char *s, tColor ColorFg, tColor ColorBg, const cFont *Font, int Width = 0, int Height = 0, int Alignment = taDefault); ///< Draws the given string at coordinates (x, y) with the given foreground ///< and background color and font. If Width and Height are given, the text ///< will be drawn into a rectangle with the given size and the given ///< Alignment (default is top-left). If ColorBg is clrTransparent, no ///< background pixels will be drawn, which allows drawing "transparent" text. Klaus