I demand that Simon Baxter may or may not have duplicated in HTML... > Hi. I'm making progress on getting VDR working the way I want. > There's a colleague at work who uses the xine plugin for replay, and the > DEBUG_OSD screen to remotely control vdr via ssh. This is kind of what I > want to do, but have 2 problems. [snip] > When I try and open 'xine -p vdr:///fifty/video/plugins/xine/noSignal.pes' > Xine says unknown mrl: vdr:// You don't have a patched xine-lib - apply the patch in vdr-xine and rebuild. [snip] -- | Darren Salt | nr. Ashington, | d youmustbejoking,demon,co,uk | Debian, | Northumberland | s zap,tartarus,org | RISC OS | Toon Army | @ Say NO to UK ID cards | http://www.no2id.net/ There is no devil; it's God when he's drunk.