I have huge directory hierarchies that I would like to run hardlink against but comparing a lot of files against each other results in high RAM usage because so much of the file metadata is kept in memory. Could you add max_size (--maximum-size) option in addition to min_size (--minimum-size)? This would allow splitting the work into small fragments where hardlink only needs to process files in given range and immediately ignore all other files. Or it could be used to run full linking in multiple parallel tasks with sensible RAM requirements if you can run hardlink without size limitations (e.g. one task for 1–1MB files, another for 1MB–10MB and third task for files bigger than 10MB). It might also make sense to reorder the test for filesize and regex processing in inserter() because testing for size is probably faster because the stat() has already been made. Currently the stats.files is also increased for files that get ignored by size filter which may not be intentional. I think I could provide patches if I just know which Git repo I should use as the basis. Is https://github.com/util-linux/util-linux the correct one? -- Mikko