Dne 07. 04. 22 v 10:23 Trapp, Michael napsal(a):
For uuidd this would result in:
-no need for a lock on LIBUUID_CLOCK_FILE, what also might help to
solve some authorization issues.
This should be a benefit.
The only possible downside would be losing of context on uuidd restart.
That happens e. g. during a security update.Could this be a problem?
Really fast machines restart in a small fraction of second.
Best Regards / S pozdravem,
Stanislav Brabec
software developer
SUSE LINUX, s. r. o. e-mail: sbrabec@xxxxxxxx
Křižíkova 148/34 (Corso IIa) tel: +420 284 084 060
186 00 Praha 8-Karlín fax: +420 284 084 001
Czech Republic http://www.suse.cz/
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