Sami Kerola wrote: That said, > getting a clarification from Jochen would nice because otherwise we are > simply guessing. Jochen Keil already left SUSE and I have no contact e-mail to him. But I got complain that it is missing after migration of rfkill to util-linux: -- Best Regards / S pozdravem, Stanislav Brabec software developer --------------------------------------------------------------------- SUSE LINUX, s. r. o. e-mail: sbrabec@xxxxxxxx Křižíkova 148/34 (Corso IIa) tel: +49 911 7405384547 186 00 Praha 8-Karlín fax: +420 284 084 001 Czech Republic PGP: 830B 40D5 9E05 35D8 5E27 6FA3 717C 209F A04F CD76