Hi there, First, some background: recently I've setup a few (too many) hard-drive backups and new systems with LVM, lots of partitions and weird options I'd put in the respective /etc/fstab. I don't want to write all that shit every time I want to mount a system in /mnt/something, I wanted «mount» to read my fstab, but although it has the «--fstab» option, it doesn't allow me to mount anywhere but in /. So I'm not sure if this is welcome here, but I don't really know C to make the suggestion a patch, although it seems simple enough. Here's a script, let's call it mount-relative: #!/bin/bash _dev="$1" _mnt="$2" _tmp="$(mktemp /tmp/fstab-XXXXX)" mount -v "$1" "$2" grep -Ev '(^#|swap|^$)' "$_mnt/etc/fstab" \ | sed -E -e 's#\s+([^\s]+)# '"$_mnt"'\1#' \ -e 's/(noauto,|,noauto|noauto)//g' \ | cat >"$_tmp" mount -av --fstab "$_tmp" rm -vi "$_tmp" (Note: I'm filtering «noauto» in a dumb way because I'm lazy and it's a simple script) As I've been using: mount-relative /dev/something /mnt/somewhere I think it would be useful for it to be doable with «mount» as: mount --relative-root /dev/something /mnt/somewhere Or at least: mount /dev/something /mnt/somewhere mount -a --fstab /mnt/somewhere/etc/fstab --relative /mnt/somewhere Maybe also a «--ignore-noauto», as using «-o auto» in the script doesn't seem to work (probably because «-o» is not made for usage with «--fstab» and «-a»). In case you don't consider this a good option for mount, well, have the script, it has been very useful to me. Best regards, João Miguel