The National Map Data Download Enhancements |
The National Map Data Download Enhancements Posted: 09 Feb 2016 05:30 AM PST
Summary: The USGS National Map program is transitioning all of its GIS data download capabilities to its new TNM Download client during the week of February 15, 2016. The new launch page will help users easily find the variety of resources available to get National Map data, download GIS data, visualize and analyze data on the web, or access developer tools such as APIs and map services.
Contact Information: Rob Dollison ( Phone: 703-648-5724 ); Mark Newell ( Phone: 573-308-3850 ); The USGS National Map program is transitioning all of its GIS data download capabilities to its new TNM Download client during the week of February 15, 2016. The new launch page will help users easily find the variety of resources available to get National Map data, download GIS data, visualize and analyze data on the web, or access developer tools such as APIs and map services. This is not a replacement for all the visualization capabilities in the current National Map Viewer, but rather an application and API to improve and simplify the data download experience. The National Map Viewer will remain available for web-based visualization and analysis of National Map data. Usage of TNM Download Client combined with staged product files will provide faster, more reliable and larger quantities of data to the geospatial community. The Download Client has an associated API available to developers to take advantage in their own applications. The National Map released several recent enhancements to the delivery of its data products and map services to include:
TNM Download Client Basic download steps 1) Zoom to your area of interest 2) Select the desired product and file formats 3) Click on the “Find Product’ button to get search results 4) You will then be presented with a .CSV file to directly download or add to a cart if you want additional products 5) You can order multiple National Map products from this client but it is easiest to go through the steps for each product line you want to order, one product at a time. Download Manager Large Scale Contours are available Dynamic Style Control is enabled on vector map services File GeoDatabase 9.3.1 format retired To keep current with The National Map downloadable products and map services, visit The National Map Viewer launch page. Questions or feedback regarding any of these changes can be submitted to tnm_help@xxxxxxxx.