USGS News Release
November 6, 2006 | Catherine Puckett | 352-264-3532 | cpuckett@xxxxxxxx |
USGS at Society of Environmental Toxicology
and Chemistry: From Pharmaceuticals in Groundwater to Mercury in High U.S.
The 27th Annual Meeting of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) is being held November 5-9, 2006, at the Palais de Congrès in Montréal, Québec, Canada. Additional information about the conference can be found online at While the conference is occurring, please contact Catherine Puckett for information about specific presentations.
A Happy Medium? Antidepressants
in Aquatic Systems: Wastewater treatment plants do a remarkable job
at removing the bulk of chemicals from the waste stream. But recent USGS
studies have shown that a wide range of pharmaceuticals and other human-caused
waste compounds remain despite wastewater treatment and are discharged
to receiving waters across North America. Antidepressants are a commonly
used class of pharmaceuticals whose pharmacological effects may extend
beyond humans to aquatic organisms present in surface water systems that
receive treated wastewater discharge. Yet few methods exist to detect
antidepressants in the environment, and their effects on aquatic organisms
are only beginning to be understood. Recently, USGS researchers
developed a method to study the distribution and fate of antidepressants
and their breakdown products in aquatic environments, including municipal
wastewater and surface water. Venlafaxine (Effexor) was the predominant
antidepressant researchers found in wastewater and river-water samples
from Colorado, Iowa, and Minnesota, though other antidepressants were found
as well. Typical concentrations of individual antidepressants ranged from
a few nanograms per liter to thousands of nanograms per liter (for Venalfaxine)
in wastewater. This indicates that wastewater is a point source
of antidepressants into the environment, at concentrations that may impact
aquatic life. For more information, please contact Edward T. Furlong,
USGS, at efurlong@xxxxxxxx
or 303-236-3941; or Melissa Schultz, College of Wooster, Wooster, OH at
or 330-263-2645. SETAC presentation is Monday, Nov. 6, 8:20 a.m., Room
517A, Palais de Congrès.
Pharmaceuticals in Long Island’s
Groundwater: Pharmaceuticals can infiltrate groundwater systems in
areas susceptible to wastewater contamination. In studies by Stony Brook
University and the U.S. Geological Survey of ground-water wells in Suffolk
County, Long Island, NY, near permitted wastewater treatment facilities
discharging to ground water, scientists detected pharmaceuticals in concentrations
generally 1-200 ng/L (parts per trillion).These vanishingly small concentrations
are several orders of magnitude below the concentrations where any effects
have been observed or predicted for the compounds measured in this study.
Acetaminophen, caffeine, carbamazepine (anti-epileptic), cotinine (human
metabolite of nicotine), paraxanthine (human metabolite of caffeine), and
sulfamethoxazole (antibiotic) were found most often in both studies. However
compounds were more frequently detected in the shallower wells. These
occurrences, and laboratory studies, suggest that of these compounds, caffeine,
carbamazepine, paraxanthine, and sulfamethoxazole are more persistent in
groundwater and have the most potential for transport in the subsurface.
For more information, contact Mark J. Benotti at mbenotti@xxxxxxxx
or 631-736-0783 x126. SETAC presentation is Thursday, Nov. 9, 4:50 p.m.,
Room 516AB, Palais de Congrès.
After the Hurricanes – The
Contaminants Left Behind in New Orleans: USGS researchers measured
numerous semivolatile organic compounds in street floodwater mud and Lake
Pontchartrain sediment samples collected in September and October 2005
after the levee breaches caused by Hurricane Katrina and subsequent flooding
from Hurricane Rita. These compounds include compounds organochlorine pesticides,
PCBs, PAHs, current-use pesticides, anthropogenic indicator compounds (AICs),
and pharmaceuticals (in the mud only). Contaminant concentrations in street
mud varied substantially and for some – including PAHs, some AICs, and
four termiticides – were highest at several sites near downtown New Orleans
when compared with other locations (Chalmette, Ninth Ward, Slidell, Rigolets).
USGS researchers found that the highest concentrations of urban-related
compounds (such as chlordane and PAHs) in lakebed sediments exceeded average
concentrations in U.S. urban lakes and sediment quality guidelines, but
were not markedly dissimilar to historical values or to those reported
from other urban areas. The highest concentrations were limited to within
a few hundred meters of the 17th Street Canal outlet into the lake. This
research suggests that the impacts of the hurricanes on the sediment history
of Lake Pontchartrain are most likely transitory and confined to a relatively
small geographic region. For more information, contact W. T. Foreman
at wforeman@xxxxxxxx
or 303-236-3942. SETAC presentation is on Thursday, Nov. 9, 10:40 a.m.,
Room 516C, Palais de Congrès.
Rocky Mountain High -- Mercury
in Cold Environments of the Western United States: Atmospheric deposition
of mercury in remote areas in the Western United States is sufficient to
pose a risk to human and ecosystem health at sites favorable for methylation,
a process in which mercury in the environment is converted into a highly
toxic form that accumulates in organisms and is amplified up the food chain.
USGS researchers and partners measured mercury in snowpack samples
during 2003-2005 as part of the National Park Service Western Airborne
Contaminants Assessment Project. Eight high-altitude, high-latitude sites
were selected for study in or near national parks in Colorado, Montana,
California, Oregon, and Alaska. Mercury levels were lowest in the North
Cascades, highest in the Rocky Mountains, and were related to the amount
of particulate carbon in the snow, with both found at higher levels in
forested sites than in open meadows. Seasonal variations were lowest in
Denali National Park and highest in Olympic National Park. Mercury
concentrations were higher during the warm season than the snow season.
Total annual fluxes of mercury were as high as 10 mg
m-2 at some sites in the Rocky Mountains, which receive mercury deposition
equal to that in the Upper Midwest or Northeast. Global and regional
sources of mercury emissions contribute to its deposition, with regional
sources likely contributing more in the Rocky Mountains, where there are
more upwind sources of emissions. For more information, contact Don
Campbell at Donald.Campbell@xxxxxxxx
or 303-236-4882, ext. 298. SETAC presentation is on Thursday, Nov. 9, 8
a.m.- 7 p.m., Exhibit Hall, Palais de Congrès. Poster #934.
Contaminants Lower Reproductive
Health of Gila River Fish: Downstream of Phoenix, southern Arizona’s
Gila River is primarily recharged by irrigation return water, storm water,
and wastewater treatment plant effluent, and fish and aquatic invertebrate
habitats are degraded. Largemouth bass, common carp and channel catfish
from the Gila had elevated levels of organochlorine pesticides, many of
which have been associated with estrogen-like effects in fish. Reproductive
biomarkers, including gonad size and hormone concentrations, were notably
different in fish from the Gila River when compared to fish from the Colorado
River, indicating that organochlorine contaminants may be affecting the
reproductive health of fish populations in the Gila River downstream of
Phoenix. For more information, contact Jo Ellen Hinck at jhink@xxxxxxxx
or 573-876-1808. SETAC presentation is on Thursday, Nov. 9, 2:30
p.m., Room 517B, Palais de Congrès.
Aquatic Herbicides May Benefit
Invasive Aquatic Species: Aquatic plants are frequently exposed to
low-levels of agricultural herbicides at concentrations less than those
known to cause adverse effects in the laboratory. Laboratory studies have
shown that low levels of herbicide exposure can actually increase growth
rates of aquatic plants due to physiological stress adaptations. Scientists
from the U.S. Geological Survey and the University of Manitoba studied
whether low levels of herbicides in aquatic systems may actually aid non-native
invasive aquatic plants, allowing them to out-compete or displace more
desirable native aquatic plant species. Researchers studied the effects
of atrazine herbicide on both native and non-native, invasive aquatic plants
in experimental ponds over a period of 42 days. Results confirmed that
lower levels of atrazine could actually stimulate growth of some invasive
species. Some invasive aquatic plant species were less sensitive to atrazine
than a common native aquatic plant species. Although the invasive species
did not totally displace the native species, the results indicate that
some herbicides may have the unintended consequence of benefiting non-native
invasive species that may compete with native aquatic plant species. Aquatic
plants are critical components of aquatic ecosystems by providing habitat
and energy sources for many fish and invertebrates. For more information,
contact James F. Fairchild at jfairchild@xxxxxxxx
or 573-876-1871. SETAC presentation is on Wednesday, Nov. 8, 10:20 a.m.,
Room 516AB, Palais de Congrès.
Wastewater Issues Get Wormy:
Recent research indicates that earthworms may be an important initial
step by which organic contaminants could enter the terrestrial food web.
Wastewater treatment plants process millions of gallons of mixed solid
and liquid human waste daily, returning treated effluent to surface and
ground water and disposing of the residual sludge. Roughly half of
the many thousands of dry tons of treated sludge (usually referred to as
biosolids) generated annually in the U.S. are applied to agricultural soils
as a nutrient-rich soil amendment. Recent USGS research has identified
a wide variety of organic contaminants (such as disinfectants, pharmaceuticals,
synthetic fragrances, and plasticizers) that can be present in biosolids,
often in concentrations tens to thousands of times higher than found in
treated liquid waste. One concern related to the practice of land
application of biosolids is whether any of these organic contaminants find
their way into soil-dwelling organisms. To address this concern,
USGS and Eastern Washington University scientists collaborated on a study
of earthworms collected from agricultural soils in the Midwest and Western
United States that had been exposed to land-applied biosolids. The
samples were analyzed for a diverse array of pharmaceuticals and
other organic contaminants (77 target compounds were measured). Soil
and earthworm samples were collected from select agricultural fields early
and late in the growing season. Thirty-one compounds including triclosan
(household disinfectant), several fragrances, caffeine, and fluoxetine
(the antidepressant Prozac) were detected in earthworms from biosolid-applied
fields, with tissue concentrations ranging from 100’s to 1000’s of micrograms
per kilogram (parts per billion). These results demonstrate that earthworms
can accumulate a range of these chemically diverse organic contaminants
within their tissues, and may be an important initial step by which these
compounds could enter the terrestrial food web. For more information
contact Ed Furlong, USGS, at efurlong@xxxxxxxx
or 303-236-3941, and Chad Kinney, Eastern Washington University, at ckinney@xxxxxxxxxxxx
or 509-359-7932. SETAC presentation is on Thursday, Nov. 9, 4:10 p.m.,
Room 516 AB, Palais de Congrès.
Toxicity Tests for Endangered
Mussels: The United States is home to more mussel species than any
other country in the world. Despite the diversity of mussels found in the
country, no other widespread group of animals in North America is as imperiled
or has faced as many extinctions. The abundance and variety of mussels
have declined sharply over the past century, but the cause of mussel decline
is not well understood. Researchers at the USGS-Columbia Environmental
Research Center, in cooperation with other government agencies, academia,
and private industry, are developing the first standardized toxicity tests
using several life stages of freshwater mussels to assess the effects that
pollution may have on these declines. Mussels are filter feeders that readily
accumulate toxins. Results of this ground-breaking work indicate that water
quality criteria for individual chemicals established for the protection
of aquatic organisms may not be adequately protective of sensitive stages
of freshwater mussels. For more information, contact Ning Wang, nwang@xxxxxxxx
or 573-441-2946. SETAC presentation is on Thursday, Nov. 9, 8 a.m.-7 p.m.,
Exhibit Hall, Palais de Congrès. Poster # 1056
Toxic Tango: Interactions of
Mercury and Selenium on Bird Embryos: Mercury and selenium are common
environmental contaminants that sometimes occur together at elevated levels
in bird eggs. Both have been associated with reproductive impairment in
birds, in particular by embryonic death and deformities. Although a lot
is known about the toxicity of these two contaminants by themselves in
eggs, little is known about potential toxic interactions when they occur
in the same egg. USGS research indicates that combining the contaminants
had a worse effect on mallard embryos than either one did separately. Follow-up
studies, however, revealed that combined effects of these two contaminants
may vary by species and exposure amount. For more information, contact
Gary Heinz at gary_heinz@xxxxxxxx
or 301-497-5711. The SETAC presentation is on Wednesday, Nov. 8, 10 a.m.,
Room 511AD, Palais de Congrès.
Contaminants Affect Over-Winter
Survival of Swallows: The effects of chronic contaminant exposure on
over-winter survival of birds are largely unknown. These studies are difficult
to carry out because suitable bird species may not occur in contaminated
locations, there may be insufficient number of breeding birds, they may
be difficult to capture, or the species may to too long-lived to study
within a reasonable time. Tree swallows overcome many of these research
problems. Large numbers of breeding birds can be attracted to a site
because they will readily nest in man-made nest boxes. They are also
relatively easy to capture, return to the same breeding site year after
year, and are short lived. The Housatonic River in western Massachusetts
is extremely contaminated with polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and PCB
concentrations in swallow eggs are associated with decreased reproductive
success. USGS researchers studied the effect on over-winter survival
of chronic exposure to PCBs for 5 years on the Housatonic River to determine
if adult swallow survival was reduced in this highly contaminated environment.
Researchers found that annual over-winter survival was reduced significantly
by about 5 percent in females that nest at the most contaminated sites.
For more information contact Christine M. Custer, ccuster@xxxxxxxx
or 608-781-6247. SETAC presentation is on Monday, Nov. 6, 2:10 p.m., Room
517 B, Palais de Congrès.
Fungicides: Analysis, Fate,
and Toxicity: The
recent spread of Asian soybean rust to North America has increased interest
in fungicides to combat this scourge. Despite decades of agricultural and
urban use, relatively little data are available on the fate and effects
of fungicides in the aquatic environment. One of the most used fungicides
in the United States, chlorothalonil, has been used for over 50 years for
a variety of applications. Other fungicides (azoxystrobin, myclobutanil,
propiconazole, pyraclostrobin, and tebuconazole) have been recently registered
for treatment of soybean rust and are rapidly increasing in use. Some of
these fungicides are highly toxic to fish and other aquatic life. Fungicides
are often not included in monitoring programs, although fungicides and
their degradates have been detected in water, sediments, air and rainfall
at concentrations that can cause adverse effects to aquatic organisms.
Effective monitoring of fungicide concentrations is required to understand
if increasing use will result in increasing stream concentrations. The
focus of this session will range from older fungicides such as chlorothalonil
to newer fungicides such as the triazoles and strobilurins. Topics will
include analysis of fungicides and their degradates, environmental occurrence,
degradation pathways, modes of action, and toxicity to aquatic organisms.
For more information, contact Kathryn Kuivila at kkuivila@xxxxxxxx
or 916-278-3054. The symposium, which is sponsored by the U.S. Geological
Survey and Mississippi State Chemical Laboratory, will take place on Wednesday,
Nov. 8, in room 510 BD, Palais de Congrès, from 8:00 - 11:40 a.m.
How Much is Too Much? Mercury
Thresholds for Common Loon Eggs: Assessing the ecological risk of mercury
exposure to fish-eating wildlife is a priority issue for federal and state
resource management agencies. Atmospheric mercury deposition has increased
due to industrial activities exposing fish-eating wildlife populations
in New England, coastal Atlantic states, the Southeast and the Upper Midwest
to elevated mercury in their prey. The USGS, Wisconsin Department of Natural
Resources, and the University of Wisconsin have conducted research to generate
a scientifically defensible common loon/mercury risk assessment model.
The work focused on the common loon because this species is sensitive to
the toxic effects of mercury and has the greatest risk of mercury exposure
among wildlife species on inland (non-marine) North American aquatic systems.
A critical component of the model is determining the level of mercury in
loon eggs that poses a population level risk. In 2005 and 2006, researchers
conducted a study to better characterize methylmercury exposure in eggs
of Wisconsin common loons and to determine the level of exposure in eggs
that reduces fitness and survival of loon embryos and resultant chicks.
Blood mercury levels in a sample of Wisconsin loon chicks indicated mercury
exposure in some chicks rivaled that of adult birds during the breeding
season. Blood mercury concentrations rapidly declined in growing chicks,
such that by six weeks of age blood mercury levels were about 6 percent
of levels at hatch. Reduced embryo survival was evident at an egg content
concentration of mercury that is representative of what is often found
on low pH lakes in northern Wisconsin, although sample sizes are small.
For more information, contact Kevin Kenow at kkenow@xxxxxxxx
or 608-781-6278. SETAC presentation is on Wednesday Nov. 8 at 8:40 a.m.,
Room 511 AD, Palais de Congrès.
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Catherine Puckett
USGS Office of Communications
2201 NW 40th Terrace
Gainesville, FL 32605-3574
PHONE: 352-264-3532
FAX: 352-374-8080
EMAIL: catherine_puckett@xxxxxxxx