USGS Media Advisory:
You are invited to a congressional briefing on
Pesticides in the Nation’s Streams and Ground Water
When: Friday, March 3, 2006, 9:30 to 11:30 a.m.
Where: 2318 Rayburn House Office Building
Who: Speakers from USGS and USEPA
Robert Hirsch, USGS Associate Director for Water
Bob Gilliom, USGS author of Pesticides in the Nation’s Streams and Ground Water, 1992 - 2001
Jim Jones, Director, Office of Pesticides - U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Background: The USGS is releasing the results of a 10 year nationwide assessment on pesticide occurrence and concentrations in streams and ground water. The USGS assessment provides the most comprehensive national-scale analysis to date of pesticide occurrence, distribution and sources, and potential for effects on humans, aquatic life, and wildlife. Among the major findings are that pesticides are frequently present in streams and ground water, were seldom found at concentrations likely to affect humans, but were found in many streams at concentrations that may have effects on aquatic life or fish-eating wildlife.
The assessment also begins to examine two important topics with implications for the future—prediction of pesticides in unmonitored areas and long-term trends.
Additional information: Contact Pixie Hamilton 804-261-2602 (pahamilt@xxxxxxxx) or Donna Myers at 703-648-5012 ( dnmyers@xxxxxxxx )
A.B. Wade
Public Affairs Specialist