Pile Burn Season Arrives on North Kaibab Ranger District
FREDONIA, Ariz., Nov. 20, 2019 -- With the arrival of significant precipitation to the Kaibab Plateau, fire managers on the North Kaibab Ranger District of Kaibab National Forest plan
to conduct pile burn operations starting tomorrow and continuing periodically throughout the winter as conditions and staffing allow. The piles are the result of mechanical thinning projects designed to help forest restoration efforts, and the goal of burning
them is to further reduce fuels that could feed high-intensity wildfire.
Beginning tomorrow Thursday Nov. 21, fire managers plan to burn a total of about 96 acres of machine piles in the Jacob Ryan West project area which is approximately 3 miles west of Jacob Lake and 2 miles south of Highway
89A off Forest Road 461A. Smoke impacts are expected to be minimal and highly localized to the immediate area. No road or trail closures are expected. However, in the interest of safety, visitors are always reminded to use caution when traveling in the vicinity
of prescribed fires, as firefighters, fire-related traffic, and smoke may all be present. General Information
As winter weather conditions continue across the Kaibab Plateau, fire managers will continue to seek opportunities to burn piles throughout
the North Kaibab Ranger District. Additional information will be provided as specific prescribed fire locations are scheduled. The Kaibab National Forest is part of a fire-adapted ecosystem and is dependent on fire to play a natural role in maintaining forest health.
Objectives for these pile burns include reducing fuels resulting from previous forest restoration projects and improving overall forest health and resiliency. The public can view approved prescribed fire projects for any given day on the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality's website at
Prescribed fires on the Kaibab National Forest begin with the forest's designator "KNF." To learn more about smoke and public health, visit
Notifications of upcoming prescribed fire projects are provided regularly throughout the year. Additional information can also be obtained
through the following sources ·
Kaibab National Forest Website:
www.fs.usda.gov/kaibab ·
www.twitter.com/KaibabNF ·
www.facebook.com/KaibabNF ·
Fire Information Recorded Hotline: 928-635-8311
1650-1_d3_Winter Pile Burning 2019_1120 (002).pdf
Description: 1650-1_d3_Winter Pile Burning 2019_1120 (002).pdf