Please see the attached news release regarding the Ikes Fire on the North Rim of Grand Canyon National Park and the North Kaibab Ranger District of the Kaibab National Forest. Also attached is a map showing the current fire perimeter and
planning area. There are closures in effect related to this wildfire. Visit for details. For additional information, contact the Ikes Fire Public Information Office at 928-638-7071.

For Immediate Release: August 10, 2019
NPS Contact: Brandalyn Vonk, 602-730-6144
USFS Contact: Jacqueline Banks, 928-635-8314
Ikes Fire Public Information Office: 928-638-7071
Ikes Fire Remains Active Despite Regular Rain Showers
Grand Canyon, AZ -The Ikes Fire has seen minimal growth over the past 2 days due to multiple rain
showers over the fire area. "Due to moisture, fire activity has been limited," stated Paul Lemmon, Ikes Fire Incident Commander. "But the fire continues to burn within the duff layer of needles, leaf litter, and downed logs along the forest floor."
The weather forecast for the next several days predicts higher temperatures, lower humidity, and a low chance of rain. "With predicted hotter and drier weather the next 6 to 10 days,
there could be potential for increased fire behavior" stated Lemmon.
Firefighters continue to improve control lines along the National Park Service W4 road and Forest Road 223. These roads serve as the southern and northern boundaries of the fire's planning
area. 59 personnel are currently assigned to the Ikes Fire.
The Ikes Fire, which started on July 25th due to lighting strike, is located 3 miles east of Swamp Point on the North Rim of Grand Canyon National Park. The fire is less than 1 mile south
of the boundary with the North Kaibab Ranger District of the Kaibab National Forest.
Fire managers will continue the strategy of confinement and containment in the planning area while providing for point protection of identified sensitive natural and cultural resources.
The Ikes Fire poses no danger to structures or local infrastructure.
For fire information on the Kaibab National Forest, visit or
@KaibabNF on Facebook and Twitter or call (928) 635-8311 for recorded fire information.

The year, Grand Canyon National Park celebrates 100 years since its designation as a national park. To prepare for the next century of stewardship, we hope to
inspire future generations to experience, connect with, and protect Grand Canyon's unique resources. Join the celebration at or on social media with #GrandCanyon100.
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Ikes Fire Joint News Release 08.10.19.pdf
Description: Ikes Fire Joint News Release 08.10.19.pdf
Description: Ikes_PIO_8x11_Port_20190810-sm.pdf