Team Transitions to Manage Both Cat Fire, Stina Fire
Fredonia, Ariz., Aug. 19, 2018 — For Immediate Release.
Local crews have been working diligently on the Stina and Cat Fires as well as responding to Initial Attack on numerous lightning ignitions across the district. In order to take
pressure off local resources, Kaibab fire officials have transitioned command of the Stina Fire to the Central West Zone Type Three Incident Management Team as of 6:00 a.m. today. The Stina and the Cat Fires are both under command of the team which will finalize
suppression activities, direct mop-up, and initiate suppression repair. Moisture received on the Cat and Stina Fires has effectively calmed fire behavior. No growth has occurred on either fire for several days. Fire managers are confident
under the current conditions, fire growth is unlikely. Resources:
165 personnel including 3 Hot Shot Crews, 1 Type 2 Crew, 7 Engines, 2 Ambulances, and 1 dozer Cat Overview: Date reported: August 6,
2018 Size: 3,688 acres Strategy: Full suppression
Containment: 0% Location:
The Cat Fire is about 25 miles southeast of Jacob Lake in the Saddle Mountain Wilderness on the North Kaibab Ranger District of the Kaibab National Forest.
Situational update:
Containment figures are calculated based on a fire’s interaction with constructed or natural fireline. Since the Cat Fire never burned up to the constructed or natural fireline, no official containment was reached; however, there is little fire activity on
the fire perimeter, and the fire remains confined within the initial planning area set by fire managers. The Cat Fire has been placed in Monitor Status. Closures: Fire management
resources have closed all roads within the planning area boundary, which includes FR 213 and 220 on the north, FR 610 on the south and east, and House Rock Valley Road 8910 on the east.
The following trails are closed:
Arizona Trail from FR 213 to FR 610, North Canyon Trail, South Canyon Trail, Saddle Mountain Trail, and Pt. Imperial and Nankoweap Trails, which are both located on Kaibab National Forest and Grand Canyon National Park land. The closure will remain in effect
until it is considered safe to enter the area. Roads 213, 219, 220 south of 213, 610 (Marbleview, South Canyon), 611 (East Rim), and 8910 south of 220 are also closed.
Stina Overview:
Start date: July 26, 2018
Size: 2,600 acres Strategy:
full containment
Containment: 20% Location: The Stina Fire
is 23 miles southwest of Jacob Lake and about 2 miles east of Fire Point on the North Kaibab Ranger District of the Kaibab National Forest. Situational Update:
Resources continue to work on all sides of the Stina Fire. On the north and east flanks, crews are concentrating on mop-up and fire suppression repair. Along forest
roads 268 and 223 on the south flank, crews continue to close gaps to secure fireline. Where the fire is in contact with the fireline, crews are cold trailing,
carefully inspecting and feeling for heat,
along the fire’s edge and extinguishing any hot spots that remain adjacent to the line. Closures: A closure is
in effect for Forest Roads 223 (going to Fire Point), 268, 206, 271, 609, 250 road south of the 250/294 junction, a portion of the 239 and all Rainbow Rim trails and scenic viewpoints south of Locust Point. The trail between Locust Point and Parissawampitts
Point will remain open for forest visitors. The closure order will remain in place until it is considered safe to enter the area. For fire information on the Kaibab National Forest, visit and Inciweb under the name of the fire at or visit us on Facebook and Twitter @KaibabNF or call (928) 635-8311 for recorded fire information.
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Description: 1650_d3__Team Transitions to Manage both Fires_2018_0819.pdf