U.S. Forest Service
News Release
Media Contact: Bob Blasi Rain Fire Update: Tusayan, Ariz., July 27, 2018—For Immediate Release. The Rain Fire on the Tusayan Ranger District of the Kaibab National Forest is showing an increase in activity and will continue to see additional growth over the next few days. RAIN FIRE OVERVIEW Start Date: July 21, 2018. Cause: Lightning. Location: One mile southeast of the Town of Tusayan . Current Size: Approximately 165 acres. Incident Commander: Quentin Johnson ICT3 / Adam Pahl ICT3-T Resources: 2-20 person Type 2 crews, 3-Type 6 Engines, 1 Type 3 Engine. Total personnel assigned 55. Current Status: Operations were successful yesterday as fire consumed dead woody fuels from the forest floor. All containment lines held and objectives were successfully achieved. Burn out operations will continue over the next few
shifts to protect identified values at risk within the planning area. Smoke: Fire Managers are utilizing strategies to minimize and reduce smoke exposure and limit the number of days smoke will be in the air. Smoke will be noticeable from Highway 64 and communities of Tusayan, Valle, and the Grand
Canyon Village. Favorable northwest winds are transporting smoke away from the community throughout the day. Some overnight residual smoke may linger but is lifting out in the early to mid-morning hours each day. The Gallo Fire, 4 miles northeast of Red Butte has shown no growth and is currently inactive. For additional information the following sources are available: RAIN WILDFIRE PERIMETER MAP 07/27/2018
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Description: 1650_d4_Rain Wildfire_2018_07_27_FINAL.pdf