Clints Well, Ariz., Dec. 5, 2017, For Immediate Release —
Fire managers are planning to conduct an 800-acre prescribed burn tomorrow approximately nine miles northeast of Clints Well as part of
the Blue Ridge Urban Interface project.
The burn area is located south of state Route 87
111° 9'43.22"W)
and will use Forest Road 513 and local topography as boundaries. This project totals approximately 1,200 acres and the remaining 400-acres
may be burned Thursday if conditions are suitable.
Smoke is predicted to move toward the southwest which may impact local communities within the Blue Ridge
area, state Route 87, Pine and Strawberry. Cooling temperatures in the evenings may cause smoke to settle in the Blue Ridge community areas and drain down nearby canyons.
Prescribed burns are always
dependent upon approval from Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ), weather, wind and fire prescription conditions. Burning can be canceled if proper conditions are
not met. The public can view approved prescribed burns on ADEQ’s website at Approval
for a burn operation on the Coconino National Forest begins with the forest’s identifier “COF.”
Notifications of upcoming prescribed
burns are provided
regularly by news releases throughout the season and also by the following online resources:
Sign up to receive news releases from Coconino NF:
Coconino NF’s Inciweb page:
(under Fall 2017 prescribed burns)
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Coconino NF public website:
(Under News and Events)
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Description: COC-NR-12-5-17_RX.pdf
RX burn 12-6-17 BRUI.jpg
Description: RX burn 12-6-17 BRUI.jpg