Clint’s Well Ariz., Nov. 9, 2017, For Immediate Release —
Two prescribed burn are planned in the Mogollon Rim Ranger District on the Coconino National Forest which are both in the area of Clint’s Well.
Clint’s Well project (three miles north of Clint’s Well) and Blue Ridge Urban Interface project (northeast of Clint’s Well) are scheduled to begin as early as Monday.
Prescribed burns are always dependent upon weather and wind conditions, which can differ drastically across the forest. Prescribed burns are also subject to approval
from the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality as they are coordinated across multiple forests. MOGOLLON RIM RANGER DISTRICT.
Clint’s Well Project
When: Ignitions for the Clint’s Well Project begin Monday (Nov.
13) at approximately 9-9:30 a.m. The estimated duration of this project is one day.
Where: The burn area is three miles north of Clint’s Well, near
Lake Mary Road, using Forest Roads 136B, FR 211C, and local topography as boundaries. (34°36'38.99"N,
Size: Approximately 450 acres.
Closures/Restrictions: None.
Smoke Impacts: Smoke is predicted to move toward the east/northeast
and may impact local communities and motorists on Lake Mary Road. Cooling temperatures in the evenings may cause smoke to settle in the Happy Jack area and drain down nearby canyons.
Blue Ridge Urban Interface Project
When: Ignitions for the Blue Ridge Urban Interface Project begin
Monday (Nov. 14) at approximately 9-9:30 a.m. The estimated duration of this project is one day.
Where: The burn area is 10 miles northeast of Clint’s Well, along
state Route 87, using Forest Roads 95, 513, local topography and FR 6068A as boundaries. (34°37'47.4"N 111°10'31.1"W)
Size: Approximately 1,000 acres.
Closures/Restrictions: None.
Smoke Impacts: Smoke is predicted to move toward the east/northeast
and may impact local communities such as Clear Creek Pines Units 3-7 and motorists on state Route 87. Cooling temperatures in the evenings may cause smoke to settle in the Happy Jack area and drain down nearby canyons.
Notifications of upcoming prescribed burns
are provided
regularly by news releases throughout the season and also by the following online resources:
Sign up to receive news releases from Coconino NF:
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For information on possible road closures or road restrictions associated with prescribed burns, please visit
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Description: COC-NR-11-9-17-NextWeekRxBurns.pdf