Prince of Wales invasive plant treatment options public information meeting THORNE BAY, Alaska, July 7, 2017
– The Thorne Bay and Craig Ranger Districts, Tongass National Forest, are hosting an open meeting to discuss non-native, invasive plant treatment options on National Forest System land on Prince of Wales Island on Thursday, July 13, 2017, from 6 to 8 p.m.
at the POW VocTec Center, 6565 Boundary Road, Klawock, AK. U.S. Forest Service Regional Invasive Species Coordinator Shawna Bautista will present information on integrated
manual, mechanical, and herbicide weed treatment options; and herbicide risk assessments. District staff will be available to discuss problematic species, existing infestations, and future non-native, invasive plant management options for National Forest System
land on Prince of Wales Island. For questions or more information, please contact local botanist Ian Grinter, (907) 828-3229 or email
igrinter@xxxxxxxxx. Japanese knotweed is an invasive plant that forms extremely dense stands.
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