Prescribed pile burns near Flagstaff this week to produce
noticeable smoke to northern Arizona travelers
Flagstaff, Ariz., Dec. 5, 2016, For Immediate Release —
The thinning of trees throughout the Coconino National Forest has produced piles of branches, which will be burned this week near Flagstaff and in the Stoneman Lake area which will produce smoke visible to surrounding residents and
The pile burns will be near Interstate 17, west of the Willard Springs and the Stoneman Lake exits; other pile burns will be south of Kendrick Park and may be seen by
motorists on U.S. Highway 180; in addition to a planned burn in the Schultz Pass area which may be seen by motorists on State Route 89. The burns will begin around 10 a.m. and continue through the afternoon, with smoke is predicted to move toward the northeast.
Smoke will impact areas near the pile burns and could also impact Doney Park, Forest Highway 3 corridor, Kendrick Park areas, low lying areas north of Flagstaff, south
of Munds Park and on Lake Mary Road. It could also be visible to those traveling along Interstate 40 and Schultz Pass Road. These burns are no expected to reduce drivers visibility on any of the highways in the area.
The public and media can get quick notification of when a prescribed burn or any other activity is happening on the Coconino National Forest by following us on Twitter
at www.twitter.com/CoconinoNF.
When ignition of a prescribed burn begins, we update our Twitter account so the public can know why
smoke is in the air and where it is coming from.
Notifications of upcoming prescribed burns
are also provided
regularly by news releases throughout the season and by the following online resources:
Sign up to receive news releases:
Coconino website:
(Under News and Events)

George F. Jozens
Deputy Public Affairs Officer
Forest Service
Coconino National Forest, Supervisors Office
1924 S. Thompson St
Flagstaff, AZ 86001
Caring for the land and serving people