U.S. Forest Service News Release
Media Contact: Brady Smith Prescribed burn planned tomorrow south of Mormon Lake Flagstaff, Ariz., March 22, 2016, For Immediate Release —
Fire managers are planning a prescribed burn tomorrow approximately one mile south of Mormon Lake, near the southern intersection of Lake Mary Road and Mormon Lake Road. The Mint project will burn about 115 acres and produce smoke that will be visible to Mormon Lake Village,
people traveling near Mormon Lake and possibly Flagstaff. North/northeast winds are expected tomorrow which will mitigate impacts to the surrounding roads and private residences in the village during the day. However, light smoke impacts are expected in the
village overnight. The purpose of the this project is to reintroduce fire into the Ponderosa pine ecosystem while reducing
unnatural fuel accumulations adjacent to infrastructures and private property with the Mormon Lake Village and Lake Mary Road corridor.
All prescribed burns are dependent upon weather conditions, personnel availability and forest conditions and can be cancelled and rescheduled for a later time.
Forests need the frequent, low-intensity fire to remove accumulated smaller fuels and recycle nutrients into the soils to promote healthy vegetation and wildlife habitat.
A healthier forest is a safer forest for firefighters and residents when wildfires inevitably occur.
Notifications of upcoming prescribed burns are provided regularly throughout the season. The public can find this information online through several resources:
Coconino website:
www.coconinonationalforest.us, (Under News and Events)
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Description: COC-NR-3-22-16-RxBurn.pdf
Mint Project Map.jpg
Description: Mint Project Map.jpg