Forest Highway 43 project completed THORNE BAY, Alaska–Multiple projects reconstructed 23 miles of one-lane gravel to a two-lane asphalt road—improving traffic safety and significantly shortening travel times on Prince of Wales Island. In the past,
it took four hours to travel from Whale Pass to Thorne Bay. Now the trip takes two hours. The 12- mile section from Coffman Cove to Sarkar Bridge was completed in September. “The Forest Service with the assistance of their design consultant, DOWL LLC, designed and provided contract administration for Southeast Roadbuilders, who is a local contractor,” said Engineering Staff Officer
David Morton. “Positive economic impacts beyond local jobs during the construction phase are increased transportation opportunities for the POW communities and access to forest resources. The project also aided a hydroelectric power transmission line to be
installed to the remote community of Naukati, reducing their electric rates by over half.” “Completion of this project provides safe, reliable road access for the residents of Whale Pass and visitors”, said Thorne Bay District Ranger Rachelle Huddleston-Lorton. “In addition, it helps implement island-wide
goals of increasing tourism and visitor opportunities”. This project significantly increases the ability of motorists to safely and easily access the roads leading to the communities of Naukati and Whale Pass. The new highway provides a smooth asphalt surface free of
the potholes that used to plague the motorists of north Prince of Wales Island. In addition, new safety features like new bridge rail, guardrail, longer sight distances, and clear zones designed to modern highway standards dramatically reduce the risk that
drivers used to face. Although deer, bears, and other wildlife are still prevalent along the roadside, drivers are now able to see them well in advance and have time and space to maneuver their vehicles safely. Whenever the road crossed a fish bearing stream,
modern fish passage design and construction methods were employed to ensure access to upstream spawning and rearing habitat. Members of the recreating public will appreciate the roadside enhancement project at Sarkar Lake that was constructed as part of this
project. The enhancement improved the canoe launch, constructed a trail down to a popular fishing area, and provides a shelter with a gorgeous view of the many islands of Sarkar Lake. After project completion road right-of-way and maintenance responsibilities
were transferred to the Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities.
For more information, contact Civil Engineer Carol Seitz-Warmuth at 907-228-6341 or
cseitzwarmuth@xxxxxxxxx. The Tongass Forest Highway 43 (Prince of Wales Road) gravel road was upgraded and realigned to a two-lane paved highway with a 35 mph design speed
to improve safety. -end- |