U.S. Dept. of Agriculture U.S. Forest Service Coconino National Forest www.twitter.com/CoconinoNF www.flickr.com/photos/coconinonationalforest For Immediate Release Thursday, November 13, 2014
Media Contact:
Brienne Magee – office: 928-527-8290, cell: 928-310-6035,
bmagee@xxxxxxxxx Permits for collecting wildings and Schultz wood chips available through Dec 5 Flagstaff, AZ –
season for collecting live trees, known as “wildings,” from National Forest lands is underway on the Coconino National Forest. Wilding permits will be issued until Friday, December
5, and are valid for plant collection through Sunday December 7. Permits can be obtained from the Forest Service office in the District you wish to collect trees.
Flagstaff Ranger District: 5075 N Hwy 89 in Flagstaff or Forest Supervisor’s Office, 1824 S. Thompson St. in Flagstaff
Red Rock Ranger District: 8375 State Route 179 in Sedona, just south of the Village of Oak Creek
Mogollon Rim Ranger District: 8738 Ranger Road, Happy Jack, AZ 86024 There are typically two wildings permit seasons – one in the spring and another in the fall, for approximately one month while plants are
dormant. Permits will be available for coniferous trees only (Douglas fir, white fir, ponderosa pine, pinyon pine, and juniper). Due to the severe decline of aspen across the forest and lack of natural regeneration, aspen saplings will not be offered.
Trees up to 12 feet tall may be collected; however for the best chance of successful transplanting, foresters recommend that selected seedlings
be much smaller in size – less than four feet. The fee is $1.00 per foot, with a minimum fee of $20.00 per permit. Maps of designated gathering locations, along with transplanting recommendations, are provided with the permit. In addition, members of the public interested in
collecting wood chips leftover from mulching operations in the Schultz burn area
may obtain a permit at the Flagstaff Ranger District and Forest Supervisor’s Offices in Flagstaff.
Permits are free and available until December 5, valid for collection until December 7. Maps of the chip piles and instructions for collection are provided with the permit. ### USDA is an equal opportunity provider, employer and lender. To file a complaint of discrimination, write to USDA, Office of the Assistant
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