Prescribed burns near Flagstaff planned to begin Thursday (additional information will be distributed Wednesday) Flagstaff, Ariz. – Flagstaff Ranger District fire managers are planning to conduct one of two possible prescribed burns this week beginning
Thursday, October 9.
Depending on weather conditions, crews plan to burn at
A1 Project: 325 acres west of Flagstaff and north of Interstate 40. Smoke would be noticeable from Flagstaff, Fort Valley, and I-40 OR
Lake Mary Project: 115 acres south of Flagstaff and west of Lake Mary. Smoke would be noticeable from Flagstaff, Lake Mary Road, and Munds Park.
The forest depends on frequent low-severity fire – natural and necessary part of this ecosystem cannot be replaced by any mechanical effort -- to reduce accumulated vegetation, enhance wildlife
habitat, and recycle valuable nutrients into the soil. The result is a healthier forest with reduced risk of severe fire behavior and safer conditions for the community and firefighters.
All prescribed fire activity is dependent on personnel availability, fuel conditions, weather – including ventilation conditions, and approval from the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality
(ADEQ). Fire managers strive to minimize smoke impacts to the community as much as possible. They burn when winds and other atmospheric conditions will push the majority of smoke away from homes; they’ll
burn larger sections at a time to ultimately limit the number of days smoke is in the air; and they work closely with ADEQ, partners in the Ponderosa Fire Advisory Council, as well as neighboring forests to monitor air quality.
To help the public prepare for individual prescribed burns, information will be distributed on a regular basis with plans for upcoming burns and expected smoke impacts.
Inciweb: Prescribed Fire Hotline: 928-226-4607 Twitter: Coconino website “News and Events”:
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