Today’s update on our lightning-caused fires is below and attached.
View pictures of the Willard Fire on our Flickr site: Click here to see Sedona air quality data taken from AZDEQ Portable Particulate Monitors during the Slide Fire the Willard Fire:
Brienne Magee Public Affairs Specialist Flagstaff Ranger District, Coconino NF 5075 N Hwy 89 Flagstaff AZ 86004 o: 928-527-8290
U.S. Dept. of Agriculture U.S. Forest Service Coconino National Forest For Immediate Release July 24, 2014
Media Contact:
Brienne Magee, 928-527-8290 or 928-310-6035 UPDATE 8 Bar M fire and smoke to continue near Mormon Lake Flagstaff, Ariz. –
Smoke has significantly diminished in the Sedona, Verde Valley, and Blue Ridge communities. Though some smoke may still be noticeable at times, residents in these areas should expect it to continue to
lessen in the coming days. On the Bar M Fire southwest of Mormon Lake, crews continue to conduct burnout operations to solidify perimeters and maintain moderate fire behavior.
The majority of smoke is moving to the east and settling overnight in Mormon Lake Basin. Some may drift down canyon toward the Verde Valley. Today is the last crews are focusing operations on the northeastern
boundaries of the planning area – nearest Long Park. Beginning tomorrow, the majority of fire activity will be on the western perimeter where crews will conduct burnout operations to secure control lines. The Bar M fire is currently 2,300 acres and continues to burn at a low severity across the landscape.
All other information from yesterday’s update remains the same (copied below). July 23: “It is important to remember that these are
wildfires and with fire comes smoke. We cannot simply ‘turn them off’,’ but we can influence how they move through the landscape and we can utilize tactics to minimize the duration of the heaviest smoke impacts,” says Rick Miller, Fire Management Officer
on the Flagstaff Ranger District. “With any wildfire, we develop and implement a clear strategy. We determine boundaries where control lines will be effective and safe for firefighters, conduct burnout operations to solidify
those perimeters, and use burnouts to keep fire behavior moderate as it progresses.” Completing the large burnout operations in a few days minimizes the overall duration of heavy smoke. The efforts are paying off. Flames have helped to raise crown heights (removing low-laying branches) and consumed heavy fuels from the forest floor – all of which could have been “ladders”
leading to crowning fires in hotter drier conditions. Reducing the risk of severe fire in the future provides
a safer space for the public and firefighters. In addition, nutrients that were stored in the dead vegetation were released back into the soils, which will allow healthy forbs and grasses to appear. This type of fire is fulfilling a role that no other
thinning or mechanical treatment can replace. Bar M Fire Behavior: 1-2 foot flame lengths across the forest floor. Some isolated torching, which is natural and expected.
Location: 5 miles southwest of Mormon Lake near Forest Roads 240 and 91.
The immediate fire area is closed for public safety, including a portion of Forest Roads 127 and 126.
Willard Fire Final Size: 2,020 acres – no growth, increased number is due to more accurate mapping. Fire crews and equipment remain on scene to monitor fire activity as pockets within the interior continue
to burn. The immediate area is closed for public safety, but the main roads and trails are open. Pothole Fire Final Size: 2,200 acres. Very little activity within the perimeters, and not much smoke. Forest Road 142F, as well as the Tramway and Maxwell Trails leading into the West Clear Creek Wilderness are temporarily closed for public safety.
General Fire Final Size: 2,089 acres.
Subdivisions in the Blue Ridge community should anticipate smoke decreasing in the coming days. Fire managers hope to reopen the Fred Haught Trail and a portion of the Arizona Trail soon.
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Description: COC-NR-7-24-14-lightningfires-update8.pdf