Greetings, In addition to prescribed fire plans from the Coconino National Forest, below are prescribed fire plans from our partners in the Ponderosa Fire Advisory Council, AZ State Forestry Division.
Coconino NF prescribed fire plans for Tuesday: Ft Valley, Eastside and Victorine projects Flagstaff, AZ –
Pending favorable conditions and approval from the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality, fire managers are planning prescribed burns for tomorrow on the Fort Valley and Eastside projects
near Flagstaff, and the Victorine Project near Blue Ridge. Ft. Valley Project
– Up to 10 acres located north and east of Highway 180, near Snowbowl Rd. This burn is conducted for research purposes within the Fort Valley Experimental Forest. Winds will disperse
the majority of smoke to the north east, over and through the San Francisco Peaks. Residual smoke will be light but likely noticeable from Hwy 180.
Eastside Project: 250 acres located on Campbell Mesa, between Old Walnut Canyon Road and I-40.
Smoke will rise and disperse to the northeast. It may be noticeable from I-40 and the Doney Park area overnight.
Victorine Project: 500 acres of broadcast burning southeast of the community of Blue Ridge, approximately
10 miles north of Knoll Lake. Smoke will disperse to the north and may be noticeable on Hwy 87 and in the Blue Ridge community.
Prescribed fire activity is dependent on personnel availability, weather – including winds and ventilation,
and approval from the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality ( Fire managers work hard to minimize smoke impacts to the communities while continuing to address the critical need to reduce the risk of severe wildfires around those communities.
Crews make every effort to keep smoke impacts as minimal as possible including cancelling burns when conditions aren’t favorable, finding alternative uses for the debris in slash piles, and timing ignitions to allow the majority of smoke time to disperse prior
to settling overnight. In addition, the Coconino National Forest coordinates prescribed fire plans with the partners of the Ponderosa Fire Advisory Council (which includes local fire departments),
as well as neighboring forests, to reduce the overall impact of smoke on the communities.
The public can obtain additional prescribed fire information by via the following:
### AZ State Forestry plans prescribed burn near Rogers Lake Flagstaff, AZ –
The Arizona State Forestry Division is planning a 210-acre broadcast burn in the area north of Rogers Lake Tuesday, November 1. This burn is in coordination with Northern Arizona University researchers.
Crews intend to complete ignition early in the day to allow smoke as much time as possible to disperse before setting with the cool evening air. Forecast winds will move smoke to the north
and ease; smoke will likely be noticeable in the western and northwestern areas of Flagstaff. For additional information, contact Bruce Banke, AZ State Forestry 928-699-7920. ### To receive official Forest Service information by e-mail, please subscribe by visiting To unsubscribe from this mailing list, please visit If you wish to make changes to an existing account, please visit |