U.S. Dept. of Agriculture
U.S. Forest Service
Coconino National Forest
For Immediate Release
July 29, 2011
Contact: Brienne Magee
Tel: 928-527-8290
Coconino NF Fire Activity Update
Flagstaff, AZ – Several low-intensity fires on the Coconino National Forest are continuing to burn under conditions favorable for resource objectives. An additional fire, the Zeus Fire was started yesterday by a lightning strike.
Due to the severity of recent fires in the state, the Coconino National Forest recognizes there may be some concerns regarding the management of these fires and maintaining public safety. “We are monitoring conditions on a day-to-day basis and plan to continue our strategy of managing these fires as long as weather and fuel conditions allow us to do it safely while accomplishing our objectives,” said Russ Copp, Fire Management Officer for the Coconino National Forest.
Bolt Fire
The bolt fire is no longer growing in size and activity and smoke production are minimal, and will continue to decrease over the next several days.
Bolt Fire Facts
Behavior: Isolated smoldering of logs. The fire is not increasing in size and smoke is minimal. Fire activity is expected to continue to decline. Crews will monitor this fire until it is out.
Start Date: July 11, 2011
Location: Approximately 6 miles northeast of Munds Park, off Forest Road 132A
Size: 1,700 acres
Rocky Fire
Crews continue to monitor the Rocky Fire, which received some light rain and continues to burn at a low intensity. This fire is being managed by the Red Rock Ranger District.
Rocky Fire Facts
Behavior: Light. The fire is staying in the ponderosa pine understory.
Start Date: July 18, 2011
Location: Off Stoneman lake Road, near Rocky Gulch
Size: 100 acres
Sandrock Fire
Two hotshot crews and two engines are managing this fire; the crews are constructing line along the north perimeter of the planning area boundary. If favorable weather conditions continue, fire managers are planning to use some ignitions along Highway 260 and Highway 87 to burn the area when smoke dispersal is best, thereby minimizing smoke impacts to the highway. These ignitions would be done by hand, using drip-torches. These ignitions may continue into next week and would increase the overall volume of smoke coming off the fire. This fire is being managed by the Mogollon Rim Ranger District.
Sandrock Fire Facts
Behavior: Light. The fire is staying in the ponderosa pine understory.
Start Date: July 21, 2011
Location: off Highway 260, near Twenty-Nine Mile Lake
Size: 200 acres
Scout Fire
The fire received a light rain yesterday and is burning at a low to moderate intensity. The fire is visible from Payson. One engine will continue to monitor this fire, which is being managed by the Mogollon Rim Ranger District.
Scout Fire Facts
Behavior: Light. The fire is staying in the ponderosa pine understory. There are heavy pockets of pine needles within the perimeter of the fire. When these pockets burn, intermittent periods of heavier smoke will be produced.
Start Date: July 21, 2011
Location: Near Forest Road 141H and Forest Road 320
Size: 100 acres
Zeus Fire
The Zeus Fire is within the planning area for the Sandrock Fire, and the two will be managed together.
Zeus Fire Facts
Behavior: Light. The fire is staying in the ponderosa pine understory.
Start Date: July 28, 2011
Location: off Highway 260, near Twenty-Nine Mile Lake
Size: 1 acre
Fire behavior is expected to stay light through the weekend due to higher humidity and thunderstorms moving through the area. Fire managers recognize the need to minimize smoke impacts to the communities as much as possible and will use several tactics to do so while managing these wildfires including slowing fire growth and intensity when ventilation conditions aren’t as favorable, and conducting firing operations earlier in the day to allow the majority of smoke to disperse before nightfall.
To learn more about fire and smoke activity on the Coconino National Forest, visit or contact your local ranger station.
Mogollon Rim Ranger Station (Blue Ridge): 928-477-2255
Red Rock Ranger Station (Sedona): 928-203-7500
Flagstaff Ranger Station: 928-526-0866
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