Bolt Fire to be managed for multiple objectives
Flagstaff, AZ – Fire managers on the Coconino National Forest will be using the lightning-caused Bolt Fire to achieve multiple resource objectives. Recent precipitation, higher humidity, and increased fuel moisture have lowered fire danger significantly, and fire managers are taking advantage of this opportunity to utilize fire’s natural role in this fire-dependent ecosystem. Objectives for the Bolt Fire include reducing hazardous fuels, protecting and enhancing wildlife habitat.
Through the duration of this fire, crews will be closely monitoring fire behavior and conditions, including smoke impacts to the community. Smoke will be visible from Flagstaff and I-17 and may be noticeable in the Elk Park Meadows and Lake Mary Meadows area.
Bolt Fire Facts
Behavior: Short flame lengths, slow movement across the forest floor. Fire behavior
Start Date: July 11, 2011
Location: Approximately 6 miles northeast of Munds Park, between I-17 and Lake Mary Road
Size: 20 acres
Road Closures: There are no road closures at this time, but travelers in the area should be cautious of fire crews and equipment. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
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