USDA Forest Service
Alaska Region
Contact: Ray Massey rmassey@xxxxxxxxx (907) 586-7876
Date: June 9, 2011
Regional Forester Affirms Tongass Record of Decision for Central Kupreanof Timber Harvest
JUNEAU, Alaska –Regional Forester Beth Pendleton today affirmed the Tongass National Forest supervisor's decision on two appeals of the Central Kupreanof timber harvest record of decision.
Two separate appeals to the ROD were received; one each from the State of Alaska and Greenpeace.
The State claimed that: the current endeavor to diversify and improve Southeast Alaska’s economy, labeled “Transition Framework,” was improperly implemented; the Tongass Timber Reform Act “seek to meet” mandate had not been met; and that the primary objective of timber production LUDs in the Central Kupreanof must be the timber itself. Greenpeace’ main claim was that wildlife analysis methods were inadequate.
The record of decision authorizes the harvest of 26.3 million board feet of timber from 1,320 acres with no entry into inventoried roadless. Any newly constructed or reconstructed National Forest System roads will be closed following timber sale activities.
The ROD can be implemented within15 business days following Pendleton’s affirmation. Tongass Forest Management Staff Officer Charlie Strueli expects the first sale from this ROD to be offered late this summer or early fall.
“The first scheduled sale is for 300,000 board feet, and we expect to receive bids from the local community,” said Streuli. “Central Kupreanof was designed to produce a series of small-scale sales that could extend the life of the sale area up to 10 years.”
Job creation was incorporated into the decision making process, and the ROD contains restoration and recreation projects. The Petersburg Ranger District worked with the Kake community to identify projects within the sale area where existing equipment and infrastructure could be used.
The Central Kupreanof harvest area is on Kupreanof Island located 9 miles southeast of Kake and 30 miles northwest of Petersburg in Southeast Alaska.
EDITOR’S NOTE: Attached for further amplification are the full text of Pendleton’s affirmation letters to the appellants.
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