USDA Forest Service
Alaska Region
Contact: Ray Massey Public Affairs
E-mail: rmassey@xxxxxxxxx P.O. Box 21628
Phone: 907.586.7876 Juneau, AK 99802
Date: March 6, 2009
Forest Service Receives $2.4 Million in Economic Recovery Funds for Alaska Projects
JUNEAU, Alaska- The Alaska Region Forest Service received $2.4 million in project money from the first phase, or “First 10%,” of funds the U.S. Forest Service received under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.
The Region will use these funds to put people to work repairing and replacing buildings, surfacing existing roads, closing roads, storing roads, replacing failing bridges and culverts, and restoring stream crossings to natural conditions. The agency will contract for work to remove up to 120 deficient culverts, reopen 10 blocked fish crossings, and replace a public use recreation cabin.
“I am pleased the Forest Service will play an important role in providing jobs in Alaska communities," Regional Forester Denny Bschor said. He added, "These projects will benefit people for subsistence and recreation activities and eliminate safety hazards for the pubic and employees at these facilities."
The work will take place on both the Chugach and Tongass national forests. Contractors will either replace or repair buildings on the Chugach’s Cordova and Seward ranger districts, and on the Tongass’ Hoonah, Petersburg and Wrangell districts. Road, bridge and culvert work will occur on both the Sitka and Petersburg ranger districts on the Tongass.
The Alaska Region was apportioned the $2.4 million after competing with projects submitted by other Forest Service units across the nation. The Forest Service has selected approximately ten percent of the projects they will complete under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. These initial projects total $98 million and will create 1,500 jobs across the nation.
The Forest Service expects to create an additional 23,500 jobs around the nation when it finishes project selection for the remaining $1.052 billion it received under the Act. The Alaska Region submitted additional projects to compete for a portion of those remaining funds.
Editors Note: For project details, please contact:
Chugach Public Affairs Officer Sara Boario (907) 743-9444 sboario@xxxxxxxxx
Tongass Public Affairs Officer Phil Sammon (907) 228-6201 psammon@xxxxxxxxx
NEWS RELEASE USDA Forest Service Alaska Region Contact: Ray Massey Public Affairs E-mail: rmassey@xxxxxxxxx P.O. Box 21628 Phone: 907.586.7876 Juneau, AK 99802 Date: March 6, 2009 Forest Service Receives $2.4 Million in Economic Recovery Funds for Alaska Projects JUNEAU, Alaska- The Alaska Region Forest Service received $2.4 million in project money from the first phase, or ?First 10%,? of funds the U.S. Forest Service received under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. The Region will use these funds to put people to work repairing and replacing buildings, surfacing existing roads, closing roads, storing roads, replacing failing bridges and culverts, and restoring stream crossings to natural conditions. The agency will contract for work to remove up to 120 deficient culverts, reopen 10 blocked fish crossings, and replace a public use recreation cabin. ?I am pleased the Forest Service will play an important role in providing jobs in Alaska communities," Regional Forester Denny Bschor said. He added, "These projects will benefit people for subsistence and recreation activities and eliminate safety hazards for the pubic and employees at these facilities." The work will take place on both the Chugach and Tongass national forests. Contractors will either replace or repair buildings on the Chugach?s Cordova and Seward ranger districts, and on the Tongass? Hoonah, Petersburg and Wrangell districts. Road, bridge and culvert work will occur on both the Sitka and Petersburg ranger districts on the Tongass. The Alaska Region was apportioned the $2.4 million after competing with projects submitted by other Forest Service units across the nation. The Forest Service has selected approximately ten percent of the projects they will complete under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. These initial projects total $98 million and will create 1,500 jobs across the nation. The Forest Service expects to create an additional 23,500 jobs around the nation when it finishes project selection for the remaining $1.052 billion it received under the Act. The Alaska Region submitted additional projects to compete for a portion of those remaining funds. -30- Editors Note: For project details, please contact: Chugach Public Affairs Officer Sara Boario (907) 743-9444 sboario@xxxxxxxxx Tongass Public Affairs Officer Phil Sammon (907) 228-6201 psammon@xxxxxxxxx