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Contact: USDA Press Email: press@xxxxxxxxxxx
Secretary Perdue Travels to NC for Disaster Related Tours and a Forestry Speech
(Washington, D.C., September 21, 2018) – U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue will travel to North Carolina on Monday, September 24th to survey agricultural damage from Hurricane Florence. The Secretary was invited to go to North Carolina by Agriculture Commissioner Steve Troxler. Following the tour, the Secretary will deliver remarks to the Forest Service Retiree Association.
Secretary Perdue, Governor Roy Cooper, and Commissioner Troxler receive a briefing on Hurricane Florence.
WHEN: MONDAY, September 24th beginning at 8:45am ET
WHERE: Duplin County Airport, 260 Airport Road, Kenansville, NC
Secretary Perdue, Governor Cooper, and Commissioner Troxler take an aerial tour to survey agricultural damage in Eastern North Carolina.
WHEN: MONDAY, September 24th beginning at 9:45am ET
WHERE: Duplin County Airport Hangar, 260 Airport Road, Kenansville, NC
Secretary Perdue and Commissioner Troxler have lunch with affected farmers, and hold a media availability.
WHEN: MONDAY, September 24th beginning at 11:30am ET
*NOTE: The media availability will begin at 12:45pm ET
WHERE: Duplin County Airport Hangar, 260 Airport Road, Kenansville, NC
Secretary Perdue delivers remarks to the Forest Service Retiree Association and holds a media availability.
WHEN: MONDAY, September 24th beginning at 3:40pm ET
WHERE: Crowne Plaza Hotel, 1 Resort Drive, Asheville, NC
*NOTE: Media interested in attending any of the above events must RSVP to press@xxxxxxxxxxx by Sunday, September 23rd at 12:00pm ET.