Media Advisory: Agriculture Secretary Vilsack to Deliver Keynote at Advanced Biofuels Leadership Conference

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Title: Media Advisory: Agriculture Secretary Vilsack to Deliver Keynote at Advanced Biofuels Leadership Conference

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Media Advisory No. 5077.12

Office of Communications (202) 720-4623

Media Advisory: Agriculture Secretary Vilsack to Deliver Keynote at Advanced Biofuels Leadership Conference


WASHINGTON, April 2, 2012 – TOMORROW, Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack will deliver the keynote address at the Advanced Biofuels Leadership Conference in Washington, D.C. The Obama Administration is advocating an ‘all of the above’ approach to promote domestic production of renewable energy to create jobs, reduce our dependence on foreign oil, combat global warming, and build a stronger rural economy.


Today, Americans import less than half of our transportation fuels – down from about 60% when President Obama took office – but we can do more to support the growth of advanced biofuels production to help meet the President’s goal of reducing our net fuel imports by one-third by 2025.


At Secretary Vilsack’s direction, USDA is working to develop the national biofuels industry producing energy from non-food sources in every region of the country.  We are conducting and encouraging research into innovative new energy technologies and processes, helping companies build biorefineries – including the first ever commercial-scale cellulosic ethanol facilities – and supporting farmers, ranchers, and businesses taking risks to pursue new opportunities in biofuels.  Along with Federal partners, we’re establishing an aviation biofuels economy, and have expedited rules and efforts to promote production and commercialization of biofuels.


Tuesday, April 3, 2012

12 p.m. EDT


WHAT:          Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack will deliver the keynote address at the Advanced Biofuels Leadership Conference.


WHERE:       Capital Hilton

                        1001 16th Street NW

                        Washington, DC 20036




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